Q: Whom can I contact if I have a question about my order?
A: We can be contacted during UK office hours on +44 (0) 870 345 0775
(9.15-13.00-14.00-17.30 Monday through Friday and we have a 24 hour
answering service). Our customer service specialists will assist
you. Or email us at
Q: When will I receive my order?
A: If the bike you order is in stock, we will ship it within two
business days.
Q: When will my credit card be charged?
A: Credit card accounts are billed when the order is placed. For best service,
please include a daytime telephone number in case there are questions pertaining
to your order. .
Q: Can I change my order after I submit it?
A: Yes. We'll do our best to accommodate you as long as we haven't
shipped your order. If you need to make a change, please call Customer
Service at +44 (0) 870 345 0775 as soon as possible.
Q: Do you disclose any personal information to a third party?
A: Absolutely not. All of your information remains totally confidential.
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