UK Bike Shops
Interested in becoming a Dahon dealer?
Get in touch with:
Fisher Outdoor Leisure plc
Unit 8/9, Brick Knoll Park
Ashley Road
St Albans
Tel: 01727 798345
Fax: 01727 798341
UK Other Retailers
(e.g. marine, caravan, mail order, catalogue, internet, dept
stores, motor trade etc...etc.)
Please contact:
Cyclemotion Ltd
Lodge Road Ind Est
Kent TN12 0QW
Tel: +44 (0)1580 890007
Fax: +44 (0)1580 892852
e-mail: |
International Dealers
If you are outside of the UK and are interested in becoming a dealer,
contact us by e-mail
or one the numbers above and we'll see how we can set you up.
Generally Dahon have distributors in most European countries, but
where there is no distributor or only a limited product range we
will be pleased to offer to supply our range, subject to availability
and the approval of Dahon Global sales office. |